Adaptil Spray for Dogs
Adaptil Spray is a secret to happy dogs. Nursing mother dogs produce an appeasing pheromone, which reassures puppies they are safe and secure. Acting similar to these natural pheromone, Adaptil Spray provides assurance to puppies, helping them to feel safe and secure when encountering new experiences and unknown territories. The synthetic analogue of the natural pheromone helps provide comfort to puppies and dogs of all ages. It helps reduce stress and anxiety in dogs as well as help them to relax in stressful situations.
How it works?
Adaptil Spray is a scientifically proven formula to fight against stress conditions in dogs and puppies. Adaptil contains D.A.P – a copy of natural dog pheromone. The ingredient helps prevent and reduce stress-related behavior in puppies and adult dogs. Acting like natural pheromone, Adaptil helps to make puppies and adult dogs more responsive to behavioral dog therapy and training. Adpatil spray has high efficacy in keeping dogs happy and relaxed in stressful situations.