Winter Special Deals!
Brand: Selehold (Generic Revolution)
Uses: Controls fleas, ear mites, worms, and heartworms (D. immitis larvae)
Doses: 1 Dose = 1 Month

Selehold (Generic Revolution)

4.8/5   (63 Reviews)
In Stock, Price Starting From: $24.61

Selehold (Generic Revolution) For Puppy/Kittens Upto 5.5lbs (Pink) 15mg/0.25ml

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Selehold (Generic Revolution) For Cats 5.5-16.5lbs (Blue) 45mg/0.75ml

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Selehold Spot on Solution for Cats

Selehold is a monthly topical treatment for cats that offers extended protection against internal and external parasites like fleas and ear mites. Due to the common ingredient Selamectin with the same composition, Selehold is a generic alternative to Revolution. It is an economic substitute for Revolution.

It acts as an ovicidal for fleas for three weeks and also kills tick larvae, it prevents flea and tick infestation. The topical solution treats infection from internal parasites like roundworms, hookworms. One application provides one-month of prevention from heartworm infection and treats biting lice, ear mites.

Selehold can be given to cats above 6 week of age and it is safe for pregnant and lactating cats. Treatment should be applied once every month for extended protection.

How it works

Selamectin is the active ingredient of Selehold that attacks the nerve cells of parasite causing neuromuscular paralysis and muscular contraction that eventually causes its termination. Selamectin works against both internal and surface parasite infection

Once the spot on treatment is applied on the cat’s skin; it gets absorbed and travels through bloodstream, intestines. Selamectin in bloodstream will prevent infection from heartworm and disrupt internal worms like intestinal hookworms and roundworms.



Key Benefits
  • Broad-spectrum spot on treatment
  • Suitable for 6 week and older cats
  • It treats biting lice infestation in cats
  • Heartworm prevention for a month
  • Effective in killing ear-mites
  • It is safe for pregnant and lactating cats
  • It kills flea eggs and prevents flea re-infestation
  • Treats adult roundworms
  • Treats intestinal hookworms in cats
  • Selehold is a spot-on treatment that is applied on the cat’s skin preferably between head and shoulder blade.
  • It is only for dogs and cats above 6 weeks.


Cat size

Pack Color


Dose Volume

Selamectin Content

6 Months and older


≤5.5lbs (2.5kg)



6 Months and older


5.6-16.5lbs (2.6 - 7.5kg)




  • Pick treatment pack as per the weight of your cat
  • Remove the application out of the pack
  • Par your cat's fur on a spot midline to head and shoulder blade
  • Empty the entire content on that spot
  • Wash your hand and dispose the used applicator immediately used after use
  • Do not apply if the fur of cat is wet
  • Do not apply on the ear canal for ear mite treatment
  • Selamectin is safe to use for heartworm infection
  • Apply only the dose recommended for your pet's weight
  • Highly flammable product, keep it out of heated sources
  • Dispose the used applicator immediately after use
  • Avoid sleeping with your pet on the day of application
  • Till the product is completely dry avoid direct contact with your pet
  • Veterinary treatment should only applied on skin and not on the fur
  • Do not allow your pet to enter water surface for 48 hours after treatment, to avoid adverse effect on aquatic organisms.


  • It is not efficient for animal under six week of age.
  • The treatment is not suitable for concomitant disease
  • Do not apply to animal in case they are allergic or hypersensitivity to the active substance
More Info

Target Species


Mode of administration


Active ingredient


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63 reviews

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Very simple to use; unlike other products, it doesn't run out.
(Jun 03, 2024)


Nice month-long heartworm prevention treatment!
(May 03, 2024)


Amazing Liquid
This is going to be my go-to choice for worms
(Mar 02, 2024)

elizabeth irizarry

Rate 5 stars
(Feb 07, 2024)


Safe and trustworthy treatment for my pet
(Feb 02, 2024)

Have A Question?

question-arrow If a cat has worms, do I need a seperate dewormer or will this application work to rid them of worms and prevent from coming back?

next-arrow Selehold for cats treats adult roundworms and hookworms.

Aug 28, 2023
question-arrow Will the Seresto collar need to be removed while using Selehold? What I am asking, would there be a risk to using both products at once? I am needing this to be used to treat ear mites primarily for a couple of months. Thank you in advance.

next-arrow There are no contradictions of concomitant usage of Seresto and Selehold. However, you should consult with a veterinarian before using them together on your pet.

Jun 25, 2023
question-arrow My Veterinarian stated that I can use this product to treat ear mites. The kitties also have Seresto collars and she stated it will not interact with the ingredients in Seresto. Just to confirm this information, since you are Pharmacists. Thank you.

next-arrow Yes, Selehold contains selamectin as an active ingredient which is known to protect kittens and cats against ear mites.

Jun 21, 2023
question-arrow Selamectin/Selahold is sold as a Revolution generic. However, nowhere in the literature that comes with Selahold does it state that it controls ticks. The literature for Revolution also does not refer to ticks (Revolution Plus does refer to ticks). Have I been mistaken all these years, first with Revolution and now with Selahold in terms of expecting tick control?

next-arrow No, both Selehold and Revolution are not effective at controlling ticks. They are effective in the treatment and prevention of flea infestations, prevention of heartworm disease, treatment of ear mites, biting lice, sarcoptic mange (dogs only), and intestinal worms (adult roundworms and hookworms in cats and adult roundworms in dogs)

Apr 02, 2023
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