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To order online, just browse our product catalogue, select the products, and click "Buy Now" to place them in the basket. You can easily add or delete products from the basket before proceeding to the checkout option.
You can also increase or decrease the quantity of a product you want to purchase in the basket by first increasing or decreasing the quantity you want to purchase and then click the update button.
If you have a "Coupon Code" please enter in the Coupon Code box and click on "Apply" button to get the discount.
Once you are ready with your basket, just click "proceed to checkout". If you are an existing customer, then log into your account for quick check-out and enter your credit card details to complete the order.
If you are a new customer, then you will be required to sign up first and then enter your credit card details to complete the order.
On completion of your order you will see an order confirmation text and also receive an email confirming your order with us. Please check all the details such as product ordered and the shipping address. If there is a need to correct shipping address or the product, please call us or email us immediately, so that we can correct the error. Please note that once the order is shipped we will not be able to do any corrections.
Just call our toll free number 1-800-279-7001 (Mon-Fri 7 AM - 7 PM PST / Sat 7 AM - 4 PM PST) to place an order. Our customer care agents are standing by to help you place your order.
After placing your order the customer care agent will provide you with your order number for future reference.
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