Milbemax Worming Tablets for Dogs
Milbemax for dogs is a powerful monthly dewormer to protect canines from intestinal worms. This scientific proven formulation treats and controls various internal parasites including hookworms, tapeworms, whipworms and roundworms. One of its oral dewormers, Milbemax is effective in preventing heartworm infection also. Suitable for all breeds of dogs, it is safe for breeding dogs as well as pregnant and lactating females.
How does it work?
Milbemax contains two key ingredients Milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. The first ingredient Milbemycin oxime disrupts nerve transmission in intestinal parasites. Thus, helps in protecting dogs against hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, and heartworms.
The other ingredient praziquantel causes muscle spasm in tapeworms, which then are attacked by enzymes and disintegrate. It kills all types of tapeworms except Spirometra spp. Thus, the unique formulation protects dogs from intestinal worm infection and prevents heartworm infection.
- Minimum recommended dose rate: 0.5 mg milbemycin oxime and 5 mg praziquantel per kg
- Milbemax is given orally as a single dose.
- It is given one in a month to prevent heartworms and other intestinal worms.
- Administer the tablet with or after food.
Depending on the bodyweight of a dog, dosage is recommended as per the following table.
Weight |
MILBEMAX tablets for small dogs and puppies (0.5-5kg): |
MILBEMAX tablets for dogs (5-25kg): |
2.5mg milbemycin oxime (dose range 0.5-5mg/kg)
25mg praziquantel (dose range 5-50mg/kg)
12.5mg milbemycin oxime (dose range 0.5-2.5mg/kg)
125mg praziquantel (dose range 5-25mg/kg)
0.5 – 1 kg |
½ tablet |
> 1 - 5 kg |
1 tablet |
>5 – 10 kg |
2 tablets |
1 tablet |
>10 – 25 kg |
1 tablet |
> 25 – 50 kg |
2 tablets |
> 50 – 75 kg |
3 tablets |
- Treat puppies with Milbemax once every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age.
- Then once every three months for protection against intestinal worms
- Or once a month for added heartworm prevention, preferably on the same date.