Homeopathic Anxiety Remedy for Pets
Travel Anxiety is a natural homeopathic remedy for dogs and cats that provides temporary relief from fear of motion sickness, relocation and traveling. It comes in a quick-working, non-sedating liquid form that aids in getting rid of anxiousness, restlessness and other unwanted behavior. This treatment does not contain any tranquilizer or sedative. It does not form any habit in pets. It is very easy to administer and is highly recommended by veterinarians of our country to combat travel anxiety issues in pets.
How does it work?
Travel Anxiety, a Homeopet product contains natural ingredients that are extremely safe for dogs and cats. Cocculus, Passiflora, Valeriana, Borax, and Colchicum Autumnale are the active ingredients present in this treatment. Cocculus helps the pets during motion sickness. Passiflora and Valeriana are particularly helpful in calming the pet during fear. While borax and Colchicum Autumnale assist in preventing nausea or vomiting in dogs and cats. All in all, it is one of the best pet treatments for travel anxiety.